
Corporate Compliance

As an international company with a long and successful history, Merz Aesthetics has an excellent reputation. We are fully aware of our responsibilities to our employees, customers and partners, as well as to the natural environment and the communities in which we do business.

Corporate Compliance is the cornerstone of all these responsibilities. Compliance at Merz Aesthetics means more than adhering to both external and internal rules; it means respecting and living the values that guide our business and define our way of working.

Merz is committed to setting the highest ethical standards, and all our employees are expected to do the same by following the Merz Global Code of Conduct and by exhibiting fairness, trust, open communication and transparency in all their interactions with customers, partners and colleagues.


Cooperation among the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare professionals, healthcare organizations, and patient organizations plays an important role in the exchange of knowledge and the improvement of patient care. Merz Aesthetics is committed to comply with all rules and standards that govern these interactions.

In order to increase transparency and foster mutual trust between the stakeholders involved Merz Aesthetics discloses interactions with healthcare professionals, healthcare organizations and patient organizations in accordance with applicable regional and local laws and self-regulatory codes of conduct such as the EFPIA Code of Practice.

Below is a list of those countries with transparency obligations relating to Healthcare Professionals to whom Merz Aesthetics made transfers of value in 2018.